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Posts by Nancy

The Journey Is The Goal

What would I have done without the nursing school education? When I went to Brooklyn College School of Nursing I had no idea that the biggest lesson would not be…

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Rescue Dog Stops Burglars

Note: My daughter, son, and I were returning home. I had a vision of a robbery in our home while we were out. Excerpt from “The Life Of A Psychic…

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Some Background

A little background about the work I’ve been involved in with law enforcement for those who either would love to do the work or are curious. The universe is loaded…

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The Shaggy Dog

Several encounters with pain-ridden, frightened, angry animals have taught me that coming from the heart not only makes it safe, it can also create miracles. One of them was a…

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One Beautiful Moment

Peacock with its feathers spread out with blues and greens

Scottie, our precious grand-daughter, was seven and we were taking her to a zoo in Richmond, Virginia, on one of our visits. Scottie and I had a running argument. She…

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