Essential Oils
Why Use These?

This was a conversation someone I know told me:
“I was talking to a friend the other day and out of nowhere, she says, “Okay, I seriously don’t get your obsession with essential oils. We used an entire bottle of lavender over the course of a month to help our son sleep and it did absolutely nothing.”
When I asked her where she got the Lavender she said, “Target. It was 3 bucks in the dollar spot section.”
Why does it matter where we get our essential oils from? You know they are in perfumes, personal care products, so-called air fresheners, dryer sheets and so much more.
I could stand on my soap box and talk about safety and purity for days, but let’s just take a quick look at quality.
Young Living is the only company that can guarantee you’re getting a first distillation batch of oils.
First distillation? What does that mean?
Let’s talk about it from the perspective of coffee. We all understand coffee right?
The coffee on the left was the first pot of coffee brewed this morning with fresh ground beans. That’s a first distillation cup of coffee.
I then brewed another cup using the same grounds as before. Second distillation.
Making sense?
I did this four more times using those same coffee grounds getting me all the way to a 6th distillation cup of coffee.
This is what you’re buying off of the shelf of Target, Walmart, TJMaxx, WholeFoods, or any other big box retailer. 6th distillation (or even higher) bottles of oils. On average, most companies are taking these 6th distillations (and higher), adding in some synthetic materials, putting them on their shelves, and calling these dirty water, essential oils.
That’s why they don’t work for you. If this was how Starbucks was brewing and serving up your coffee, I’m pretty certain you’d frantically search for a better option.
For those who love more technical info, here it is.
What’s in the soil that grows the plants that are in all these products? Call any essential oil company and ask if they are not in a lockdown can you visit their farms? Young Living has farms worldwide where all the soil is tested. They welcome visitors when allowed (no lockdown) Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM. Anyone can visit. We have 20 laboratory tests three times in our research labs and six independent labs for every container of essential oils. If there is for instance mercury from soil to oils it is discarded. It is never sold to another company nor used.
Synthetic fragrance is even more dangerous. The FDA has strict rules on ingredients that are part of the personal care industry. There can be no claims as to the power of the precious gifts on nature’s energy therefore anything goes.
This is why I do free unrecorded zooms for those interested in a deeper understanding.
So if essential oils aren’t working for you, if my posts about them make you roll your eyes because you’ve been there, done that with no success, think about the source.
If you do not want to use them please consider dumping all synthetic fragrances. You may discover it makes a difference in your life.
As a child I liked some perfumes, then I lost interest. Years later I played with some essential oils however they didn't appeal either.
I was blessed with an introduction to Young Living essential oils through friends I trusted to know the difference. I experienced a remarkable difference between these precious gifts of nature's energy and all others.
I was not keen on chemistry as a student nurse. Using these essential oils every day for just about everything I became curious. How do they work? Why do they work? Why are they so different from others?
Here's a link that will walk you through the basics. If you have any questions or want to get started simply email me and we can set a time to talk. I love watching the aha's happen in other peoples lives!
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11 Essential Oils + Diffuser for 1/2 off retail price...(or your choice of kits) and receive 24% off retail for life!
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