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Sometimes The Magic Works

An excerpt from the forthcoming ebook, ”The Gift of Interspecies Communication”

 Ruth Jones, D.O. Remembers


Then there was Mr. Majesty, the race horse that Ronnie and Pete were going to sell for meat. Ronnie met Mike and convinced him to take Mr. Majesty. Before Mike could finish the deal, he agreed to let me call Nancy. We spoke on the phone and Nancy said to look at his kidneys. It was found that Mr. Majesty had a serious kidney infection and that’s why he couldn’t do anything. There were no overt symptoms and the several veterinarians called in to look at Mr. Majesty had not considered a serious infection. After treatment he went on to win a handicap series at Penn National.

Watching Nancy easily slip into knowing horses I have loved, worked with, owned, and been friends with, rekindled my interest in the healing arts. A few years later, I pursued my dream of being an Osteopath. I went on to open the Wellness Center in Bedford, Pennsylvania, which incorporated my own devotion to the raising of awareness, the fine tuning of spiritual intention and intuition, and an occasional call to a dear friend who can sometimes find out what is going on with my human clients by simply raising her level of awareness to include the entire universe. ”

Now my favorite way of helping is to write a book on what I’ve been taught by both wildlife and companion animals along with mentoring those interested in opening up or improving their already useful abilities to communicate with the rest of the species on Mother Earth.

In today’s world both Ruth and I use Young Living Essential Oils to enhance our spiritual path. We believe it bonds us closer to our souls. My favorite image on the why use Young Living is Dr. Wayne Dyer speaking at our conference holding a bottle of Young Living’s Sacred Frankincense and calling it “God in a bottle.”

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